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Preserve the legacy of your loved ones with a Turning Hearts Medallion. Share their memories, photos, videos and stories with the world. Simply attach their personalized medallion to their headstone and scan to remember those you love the most. Explore thousands of other memories from people all over the world using our Discover feature. Now, no life will ever be forgotten.
Our loved ones deserve to have their story known, to show the world who they were, to let the memories live on forever. Explore peoples stories below
Tessa was born in Peoria, IL on March 20, 2006. She was the youngest of 5 and the only biological child of Rich & Michelle. She was loved beyond measure and brought so much happiness to her family.
She was a talented and competitive athlete her whole life with soccer being her main sport. She had a sassy personality at times but was a true empathic soul at heart. She cared deeply about those she loved and was a loyal friend. She loved sports, music, art and animals. She adored being an aunt.
She was diagnosed with an aggressive form of sarcoma in her chest wall during her freshman year of high school. She endured nearly two years of treatment before passing just four days after turning 17. Her spirit is kept alive through the foundation that bears her name. She was loved by many and will never be forgotten.
Nick was a loving father to 4 beautiful children, Mikayla, Emily, Jacob and Hollis. He was an amazing husband to Melody. He was the life of the party, a cut up and jokester. He was a family man who always made time for his family both immediate and extended. He loved big and smiled ever bigger! He was good with his hands and creativity was his strong suit. He could make just about anything out of some old junk. Though his time with his children was short he was a great teacher in the time they had and taught them about many things both nature and craftsmanship and a few things in the kitchen. Cooking was another of his passions and he did it so well. He lived life to the fullest and left imprints on a lot of hearts.
David was a unique individual who deeply loved his family and friends. He was a gregarious person and often the center of attention in a room where everyone could feel his presence or be affected by him in some way, shape or form. Family gatherings often started with the question, “when will David be here,” followed by a sense of elation when he did arrive. A multi-faceted young man, he could easily shift between being a philosopher, comedian, dreamer or political debater. He drew people into conversations ranging from current events to talking about a favorite show or video game to discussing ideas on how we could solve some of the world’s biggest issues. We often left these conversations with a new perspective as a result of David’s insights.
I gave this to my siblings as a Christmas gift to remember our parents. It is literally a gift to be able to have this to memorialize them every time we visit their final resting place. This product is perfect and we are thankful for it. Thank you.
My beautiful 21 year old son passed away after a long illness in 2010. I was lucky enough to have a few videos of him growing up as well as some meaningful photos set to our favourite song and these were played at his funeral. These few memories and his funeral on dvd are all I really have left of him so every year on his birthday and the date he died I sit and watch my boy living and loving life. But there has been a few times I have been unable to find the dvd player or it hasn't worked, and I have been upset as I haven't been able to see him. So when I came across this medallion I was so excited because now I can see my son anytime I want and I can show people that never met him what my son was like. I now carry one of the hearts with me at all times and the other I have stuck to his timber urn made by a dear friend. I am so happy with Turning Hearts Medallion. I would certainly recommend to others for their loved ones.
This is an absolutely wonderful thing! The ability to share our daughter's story on her tombstone by simply using your phone camera is amazing!! It has touched many.